My name is April Read and I am in 5th year of my Bachelors of Science degree majoring in General Biology with Honours. I first become involved with research during my third year of university. As my organic chemistry professor was handing out our final exam, she asked me if I would like to do research with her, I was thrilled! The following year I began my first directed studies under the supervision of Dr. Heidi Huttunen-Hennelly and Dr. Ann Cheeptham. The project I was working on for my directed studies continued on for my honours and after completing my honours and still continued with a second direct studies. Before I knew it, I had done two years of research! My project involved the characterization of the secondary metabolites produced by a cave bacterium. I used a blend of microbiology and organic chemistry techniques to discover more about the bacterium and the metabolites they produce. My advice for students interesting in pursuing research would be to find something you are curious about and just start. The process seems more daunting than it is and there is always so much help and support from your supervisors, other professors, and other students!