Hi, my name is Youssef, and I am majoring in Psychology. I first got involved in research at the beginning of my second year by becoming a volunteer research assistant in the Brain and Behaviour Lab under the supervision of Dr. Jenni Karl. During my time in the lab, I discovered my passion for neuroscience research. The brain is a very complicated organ, and I find investigating its processes and systems extremely fun. With Dr. Jenni Karl, I have completed a research apprenticeship, a UREAP, a directed study, and I am currently enrolled in the honours program. My current research project investigates how two neural pathways, the dorsal visual stream and the ventral visual stream, interact differently depending on the level of familiarity a person has with the object they wish to grasp. Being involved in research has been a wonderful experience and has taught me many things that I would not have learned in the classroom. I encourage all students to join research to enhance their undergraduate experience and gain valuable knowledge.